Monday, October 6, 2008

When I fall, I fall hard........

Lets make no bones about it, when i fall i fall hard....

My thing is, if I'm going to pursue someone, and i really mean pursue.....(side note....pursue to me, means that i wanna be your man, I'm not just looking for some booty) then I'm going to pull out all the stops to try (keyword try) to obtain the goal.....Case in point:

1. Lets call this girl "White".....this is basically the only white girl, that i have ever pursued, you see there was something about this girl that i just couldn't get out of my was junior year of high school, and it was her first year there, we had a class together and i looked forward to that class every day....long story short, we would flirt on the daily, hang together, all that crap you do in high school....well she worked at a pool during the summer, and one of my best friends at the time worked there, so i would go to the pool basically everyday to see her........

long story short, that winter on Christmas eve i sent roses to her house which officially meant i had fallen hard for her....lets not even talk about how much those roses costs, for delivery on Xmas eve, lets talk about how she didn't even say thank-you, thus ending my pursuit of "white"

2. Next is "switch-hitter"...switch hitter is basically the first blk girl i fell in love with,(stuckey told me it was a bad idea) ill keep this one short, i basically did anything she needed, and was just hung up on her for to long of a time and at the end of the day, it turns out she liked girls....moving on

3. Finally is "arch". Arch just appeared in my life one day at my boy Stucks college graduation party. Party at uncle bruces house, me and the boys were first ones there, Heineken was flowing early and often...basically intoxicated before the party really began...Arch appeared with her friend mills, and Arch caught my eye...Normally the drunkenness would allow macking to begin at this moment, but i couldn't make my move.....the night goes one and days pass...i call stuck and say, i wanna talk to arch, he says don't do it, i say hook it up......

phone calls and emails start to exchange, me living in Jacksonville, her in Atlanta and so it begins.....i go to Atlanta, to see arch after about a month of talking, i remember it like it was yesterday.....we go to the restaurant with a big ass fish outside of it in buckhead for our first awkward date....after that dinner, the falling began.....i knew i wanted to be with this girl....many miles driven, many flights taken, vacations in Florida, birthday gifts, Xmas gifts, gifts just because, trips to the city she lived in for me to look for a place to move, because i was ready to be with her.....then a phone call...." i don't want to be with you anymore, and i don't think we should talk anymore......its nothing you did, but its what it needs to be" i remember that phone call like it was yesterday as well...i was driving on kings rd. going to my parents i was by the next to last house on the right when she called.....

My thoughts are this....If your not going to put your all into it, then whats the point? If you do anything half-ass, then that's all the results your going to get...I am sure that I have been taken advantage of, but at the end of the day, that would be something that that person has to live with....I feel someone is going to be lucky to be with me, because when i fall, i fall hard.....

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