Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Class Reunion vs. Homecoming

So everynow and then I have my own personal debates in my head, they are way cooler then the presidential debates by the way.....

Just 5min ago this idea popped in my head; I have noticed on facebook lately how excited people are about attending their college homecoming. I see pics from parties, fresh gear, tight sunglasses, tight tees and much more...I also see people talking about how they cant wait until this years homecoming....keyword: this years......

I just experienced my highschool 10yr reunion and to say the least there wasnt that much buzz about it. It was put together pretty bush league style, but i cant complain because i didnt want any part in putting it together, but i digress......The one common theme for the reunion was alcohol though.....That seemed to be what people were interested in doing....Pre-party at my house....alcohol everywhere, people had a great time...formal event, cash bar, event was a waste of time to me, but people were drinking........i digress again....

In my mental debate, i wondered if that once we enter college, where everyone seems to be drinking and the experiences had during those times are what keeps people wanting to come back every year to their homecoming......Is it those memories that make people want to keep coming back....Did the alcohol play apart of this? Would a reunion or homecoming be fun without alcohol?

I am beginning to have another debate in my mind as i write this actually, did i actually want to write this blog about reunion/homecoming experiences or about alcohol?

Im starting to think alcohol....alcohol is a very powerful thing......I drink ( and by drink i mean, not just a beer or glass of wine, drink means make a night out of it) maybe 4-5times a year at most.....The last time i had a beer was the monday after my highschool reunion weekend...i had a beer on my new deck, because my deck is bad ass and i had to enjoy it by myself after everyone was gone.......I have watched alcohol take people and screw their lives up so bad, it makes me scared to have a drink on a daily basis, because i dont want it to grab ahold of me....You see i think "alcoholism" runs in my family....but i dont want to see if it runs in me.......


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