Thursday, October 16, 2008

Disconnect between hype and the real world

For those of you that dont know, I coach high school girls basketball at my former high school (A&S). I am around high school kids almost everyday during the school year, and usually once or twice a week during the summer.

I have noticed that kids these days are fixated on money aka "guap" as they call it. When i was in high school i didnt want to have a job. I really didnt care about having money in my pocket like these kids do. When you have basketball players saying they are gonna work during the summer instead of coming to basketball camp, then i know something is going on....I guess money equals power, and to many adults im sure they would agree...whether its the 250k house, or the 5series bmw or whatever it may be.

The sad part is these kids are starting to do whatever it takes to get this money. There was a local story in the news where three guys decided to go and try to rob a known drug dealer out in a "country" area of chattanooga. The drug dealer lived in a trailer on a farm basically. These three guys went to this trailer, but what they didnt realize that is this drug dealer heard them approaching and watched them through his window as they prepared their guns and mask to enter the trailer.

The door opens and the three guys rush into the trailer to only be met by the drug dealer with a shotgun firing rounds. First round strikes the first guy through the door, drops him dead in his tracks.....Second round hits the second guy, he is in critical condition at the hospital, the third guy didnt make it through the door, he turned and ran off....

The first guy through the door, was a 16yr old high school student......

I talked to one of my players dad, who happens to be a lieutenant with the police dept. and is in charge of major crimes. and the told me the details above, because he talked to the drug dealer the next day after the fled from chattanooga, to north GA. The father told me, that the 16yr old was sent through the door first because he was the youngest and most gulable.

Lately I have noticed on facebook, all of these RIP videos being made, and comments getting left by friends of the kid that was killed. They post pictures of the kid holding all this money, putting up gang signs, wearing his gang colors and all....and the comments are like " i dont understand why this happened...etc..etc..etc.."

It makes me sad that these kids dont really put two and two together....I am all for getting money, but you need to understand they ways to go about getting money....Now adays you dont really have to work that hard to make money, you just gotta use your brain a little bit.....

The hype is that if you got a lot of money then you are living the good life and everything is easy, and i use to think the same thing....

The real world is that having "alot of money" sometimes makes people greedy, and will do anything to get more of it...Money becomes a drug that some people cant live without, but like any other drug, money can kill someone or can get you killed....

Like Biggie said, "More money, more problems"

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